Should You Follow Your Passion?

Totally love this piece 🙂 Words of advice that I specifically needed

Steve Rose PhD


“‘Follow your passion’ is dangerous advice.” – Cal Newport

It seems like everyone has become fixated on their passion. We are no longer satisfied settling on a career for the sole sake of monetary gain. Searching “how to find your passion” on Google Trends is evidence of this cultural phenomenon.

This post probes deeper into the idea of following your passion and considers a better path to achieving career happiness. In order to follow your passion without the danger of severe disappointment, it is helpful to understand how your passion works.

So why is “follow your passion” bad advice?
First of all, it assumes your “passion” is a specific thing inside of you, waiting to be uncovered and acted upon. In fact, it is the other way around: our passion is a byproduct of doing great work. InDrive, Daniel H. Pink makes the case that career happiness comes…

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